My Online Game – Germanys great website for individual online games

Mosie explains the upload of photos

If you are logged in and have not uploaded any photo yet it should look like this:

Dialog for uploading

There are two steps to upload a photo. First you have to select a photo on your computer. It depends on your computer how you can do this. When finished this step the name of the selected file is displayed between the two buttons:

File selected on the computer A photo has been uploaded

Only now you press the “Upload“ button. Depending on the size of the photo the upload can take some time. When it is finished the photo will be displayed like the little greenfinch here with his captured sunflower seed.

If you have uploaded photos which you don’t want to use, you can delete them with the red button.

Supposed you have uploaded some pictures of birds and flowers. Then it comes to your mind that you have enough bird photos to build a game of these pictures only.

Delete a selection of photos A selection of photos has been deleted

Just select the flower pictures with a check and press the “Delete Selection” button. The selected pictures will be deleted and only the remaining bird photos will be displayed afterwards.

There are two popup lists. The fist is initialized with “Show photos”. This causes that – correct, you have it – you see the photos. You can change this to “Show filenames”, and then it looks like that:

The names of the photo files will be displayed

For clarity reasons this is recommendable if you have uploaded a lot of photos or if you have similar photos which you distinguish by their filenames.

The second popup list you need, if you order a package with more than one game, I explain this to somewhere else.